SQLify has just launched in BETA. Visit our Discord to join the community and check out our special offers.

Turn all your apps into a single database

Query any apps or APIs using SQL in realtime as if everything was a single database. No synchronization. No need for complicated ETL pipelines.
Compatible with PostgreSQL

Try for free No credit card required

Meet the data warehouse of the future

Data is at the heart of every modern businesses but it is scattered around tens of different products. SQLify makes it easy and instantanenous to access and transform all this data using SQL.

Connect all your apps

SQLify let's you directly query using SQL a wide variety of data sources: popular SaaS products, any HTTP APIs, databases, csv files, etc...

SELECT email.sender, COUNT(table1.*)
FROM airtable.table1
JOIN gmail.emails
ON emails.sender = table1.email
WHERE table1.product = “My product”
GROUP BY emails.sender

SQL as usual

Use JOINs, GROUP BYs, WINDOW functions and all other capabilities of SQL to query and transform your data.

Use existing tooling

Connect to SQLify using any PostgreSQL client. Use PowerBI, notebooks, and the thousands of PostgreSQL compatible tools.

  • Time-consuming data preparation processes
  • Multiple data sources with different formats and APIs
  • Complex ETL pipelines needed for data integration
  • Limited ability to join and analyze data across sources
With SQLify
  • Single, unified SQL interface for all your products and APIs
  • No ETL required - query data directly at the source
  • Seamlessly join and analyze data across any source
  • Instant data access and exploration

A new kind of database that removes the complexity of ETL pipelines.
Querying and combining data from different sources and products has never been easier.

Try for free now

01 Data analytics

Perfect for data analysts who need to pull insights from multiple apps like CRMs, marketing platforms, or project management tools.

02 Real-time BI

Ideal for businesses that need real-time data (from tools such financial tools, customer support systems,...) to power dashboards and reports. With SQLify, be sure that you always have the most current information without delays from data syncing.

03 Backend

SQLify can significantly speed up backend development by allowing developers to query multiple APIs and databases as though they were a single entity.

04 Data exploration

SQLify helps you with your recurring reports or monitoring KPIs by querying live data directly from various tools. It eliminates the need for manual data extraction and transformation.

Integrates with all your favorite products

PostgreSQL MySQL AWS S3 Kantree Airtable Slack OpenAI Notion Asana Stripe

How does it work ?

SQLify uses SQLETL, a superset of SQL allowing you to query many network accessible data sources. SQLETL statements are transformed to ETL pipelines and executed immediatly. No synchronization is needed, we do not copy your data over to a real PostgreSQL database.

SELECT nom, population
FROM "https://geo.api.gouv.fr/communes"
WHERE "?codePostal" = 16200 AND population > 1000
Query any HTTP endpoint as if it was a standard database table. Query parameters can be included in the WHERE clause.
WITH coords AS (
    SELECT geometry->coordinates->0 lat, geometry->coordinates->1 long
    FROM "https://api-adresse.data.gouv.fr/search#features"
    WHERE ?q = '10 rue de penthievre 75008 paris'
SELECT * FROM coords
JOIN "https://air-quality-api.open-meteo.com/v1/air-quality" air
    ON air."?latitude" = coords.lat AND air."?longitude" = coords.long
WHERE air."?hourly" = 'birch_pollen,grass_pollen'
Use the full power of SQL including CTEs, JOINs, WINDOW functions, etc...

Take advantage of our special offers during beta



Discover SQLETL and try it yourself

  • 50 free queries per month
  • Unlimited databases
  • Unlimited integrations
  • 1 Mo data transfer per query
Start now


39€ / month
59€ / year

Combine all your apps and APIs into a single database and unleash your data without the complexity of a datawarehouse.

  • Unlimited queries
  • Unlimited databases
  • Unlimited integrations
  • 10 Mo data transfer per query
Start now


69€ / month
99€ / year
Popular amongst data analysts

Use any PostgreSQL compatible client like PowerBI and Jupyter Notebooks with SQLify.

  • Everything included in Standard
  • Access SQLify from any PostgreSQL client
  • 100 Mo data transfer per query
Start now